Category Archives: News Clips

Group Home Residents Excited for Life Changing Opportunity

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Providence Housing and Catholic Charities Community Services provide new living experience for residents.

Providence Housing Development Corporation is proud to manage a new group home property in Penn Yan, Yates County, in partnership with Catholic Charities Community Services. Pickering House, named after Catholic Charities Community Services founding Executive Director Paul Pickering, is home to three new residents who recently took a big step forward to more independent living.

“We’re pleased to see the residents taking to their home so quickly,” said Debbie Bilotta, Property Manager for Providence Housing. “This is a great opportunity for them to live more independently. Providence is always looking for opportunities to help those in need find the best housing solution possible. That’s what we’re here for.”

Robin Hoppe, Program Supervisor at Catholic Charities, is thrilled for the residents. She said, “they were so excited to have their own house.” The residents previously lived in a group home that provided 24-hour/7 days-per-week supervised care. Ms. Hoppe added, “Catholic Charities staff will provide assistance with meal preparation, paying bills and other life skills as needed. The residents are happy to have reached the next step towards independent living.”

Providence Housing, a not-for-profit organization affiliated with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, develops, finances and manages housing for individuals and families in the 12 counties of the Diocese including Monroe, Ontario, Yates and Chemung. For more information click here or to donate, click here.

Catholic Charities Community Services is a not-for-profit organization celebrating 35 years servicing the 12 counties of the Diocese and provides services for persons with developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, those living with HIV/AIDS and significant health challenges. For more information, visit